What was the worst haircut you ever had?
I had painstakingly grown out my thick 80s bangs for many years in the hopes of getting the 90210 Jennie Garth haircut. When I went to get my light, wispy bangs cut, they stood straight up! Little did I know that I had a colic on my forehead. I cried for hours and embraced the hair gel.
What would you name your boat if you had one?
‘Reckless Abandon’ because I’d probably lose my mind if I had a boat.
You won the lottery! What are you doing with the money?
Buying a villa in Italy and taking lessons to learn Italian.
Nancy Willcox-Trent
Plant Manager

What’s the funniest thing you believed as a kid?
It was Christmas Eve. My cousins went on the roof and stomped while ringing jingle bells. I was initially terrified that I was missing Santa and ran to my bed to fake sleep.
What’s your most used emoji?
The rainbow flag so that I can celebrate my LGBTQ spirit with everyone! 🏳️🌈
Niko Mantele
VP Event & Experiential Product Development

I love trends from many eras past, but I am living for the now, baby!
Our fantastic espresso machine!
Shel Friesen
Event Sales Manager

Mike Yakel
Strategic Account Executive - Events

Dave Youngman
Strategic Account Executive - Events

Mark Harlow
Strategic Account Executive - Events

Joseph Piatt
Business Development Representative

Hailey Shulund
Sales Assistant

Zombies are coming! Which three people do you want on your team?
I’ll take Bear Grylls for survival skills, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for sheer strength, and a librarian—because knowledge is power, and they’ll probably know everything about zombies!
Imagine you can teleport anywhere. Where are you going first?
I’d head straight to a beach in Bora Bora—because paradise is just one blink away!
What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is people who talk loudly on speakerphone in public—it’s like their conversation is the soundtrack to my irritation!
David Hubbs
Digital Marketing Manager

What’s the closest thing to real magic?
The sunrise from the top of a mountain.
What’s the most useless talent you have?
I’m a very mediocre juggler.
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
Valerie by Amy Winehouse!
What is the worst haircut you have ever had?
The one I gave myself when I was five years old. It wasn’t pretty…
Julia Wilfong
Associate Marketing Manager

What is your spirit animal?
In your professional opinion, what was the best thing before sliced bread?
Any strange and unusual hobbies?
I feed / photograph squirrels.
Kathy Mazzocco
Accounting Manager

Who are the three people you’d invite to a dinner party, living or dead?
Steve Martin, Bonnie Raitt, and Jon Stewart
What’s your favorite joke?
A duck walks into a drugstore and says, “Give me some Chapstick and put it on my bill.”
What’s your favorite smell?
Walking into my garden and the aroma of the sweet pea flowers. Or…garlic sautéing in olive oil.
Susan Kelly Mitchell
Accounting Assistant

Rachel Saxton
Graphic Design Manager

Aaron Proteau
Graphic Designer

Kai Evoniuk
Product Design & Engineering Manager

Christopher Lennard
3D Modeler

Imagine you can teleport anywhere. Where are you going first?
Tokyo or the Winchester Mystery House
Which decade do you feel you belong in?
Early 2000s. Times were simpler, and the games were great.
What is the most useless talent you have?
I can weave chainmail!
Shelby Martin
Technical Assistant

Julee Hidalgo
Testing Coordinator & QC Support

Christina Skaggs
Facilities Maintenance & Testing Support

Tyler Giard
Shipping Lead

Paul Driskill
Supply Chain Manager

Iaian Helfrich
Material Handler

Rebecca Welton
Production Manager

Karla Ramos
Sewing Manager & Accounting Assistant

Yensy Portillo Melendez
Technical Design Assistant & CNC Support

Kari Jean-Louis
Pattern Maker

Eric Jeffcoat
Manufacturing Technology Assistant

Roberto Ramos
CNC Lead & Assistant Pattern Maker

Tiffany VanKlausmeier
Swing Shift Sewing & QC Manager

Makaya Fine
Quality Control Team Lead

Laurel Goeger
Production Support Assistant

Nayeli Navarrete Bravo
Sewing Lead

Araceli Cobian
Kitting Technical Expert

Joyce Amankwatia

Manuel Balam

Dora Bustillo

Gladys Reyes Castellanos

Anabel Marroquin-Climaco

Elpidia Alvarado Cordero

Rosalba Rodriguez-Meneces